Personnel Changes at RIM, Opportunities grow for USA Rugby! 4

These changes; RIM’s new state, the opening of numerous Board Seats (King and Kimmett are up in July as well), AND the recent resignation of USAR CEO Dan Payne literally creates a ‘Blue Ocean’ of opportunity for the new leaders of the Union. I refer to the new CEO, the new Board, as well as what may be assigned the role of Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) that may ultimately replace the RIM role More…

My Experience at the Women’s Rugby World Cup 2017. Belfast, Ireland. What’s next? #BringIt 5

I also believe ‘finals week’ at WRWC, if placed in the right destination could create an event of enormous interest. Semifinals could be played on a Sunday, and Finals/Consolation on the following Saturday.  The lower places could be settled at venues mid-week.  Pick a fabulous destination, market the product, and I believe in 2-3 iterations you have 50,000 people in attendance.  Regardless, World Rugby should be open to changing this format in order to open the commercial opportunity, which at this stage lies only in finals week.   More…

Video (7.7.17): Tony Ridnell on Integrity, USA Rugby Board, CEO Neutering, & Congress making a Bold Move! 9

This is not a coup, nor a revolution.  This is an opportunity for USA Rugby to ‘put the right players on the field’, in the Boardroom.  I will work with Will Chang, Chad Keck, RIM, etc..  and provide the necessary leadership, culture, and accountability to ensure financial success and on field success More…

Attn: USA Rugby & RIM: “Winning is EVERYTHING to a sponsor” & a Question of Confidence at RBEA. 4

Each continued botched move by our Union’s senior leadership and every day that passes without clearly defined vision and methods to get there (through the CEO of course) is a day that every single participant’s rugby experience is marginalized. It is another ‘lost day’ in the development of our sport in this country. More…