Chemical Shortages (Getting Shorter and Shorter!) 7

I started in the chemical industry in 1988.  Anyone long enough in the tooth to remember that time (pre-email, about 50% of companies had fax machines) will recall the product shortage that ruled the day was Titanium DiOxide (Tio2).  List price at that time for the standard Dupont R-900 grade was about $1.00/lb, and the first deal I ever put together was with a great guy, still in the business – Warren P.  We bought a truckload (40,000 lbs) at $1.50/lb FOB and sold it at $1.60/lb FOB to a company called GoldBond Products in Sumter, SC.  There were two very nice ladies in the purchasing department that must have felt sorry for me or something –  I really didn’t know what I was doing at the time, but they placed a purchase order nonetheless.  At that stage of my professional life (fresh out of the Army, 27 years old and about 4 months in the business), I didn’t have $60,000 to fund the deal; Warren funded it, and we split the $0.10/lb profit.  About 30 days later when GoldBond paid Warren, he sent me a check for $2,000.  This was the greatest day of my life to that point.  I was hooked.

It seemed like that shortage lasted many months.  If you are under 35 years old, it must be impossible to imagine not having email to transfer offers and specs/analysis by attachment. In the late ‘80’s the fax machine was just reaching the ‘tipping point’ of adoption. The physical act of communicating information to suppliers and potential buyers was comparatively done at a snail’s pace and the entire process of conducting commerce exponentially less efficient than it is today.  To a chemical trader, ‘those were the days’.  No really, they were. I talk to some old timers in the business about the Oil Shortages of 1973 (arguably the year that the chemical trading business started), and they talk of those shortages as the true ‘gold rush’ of our industry.

Ascorbic Acid:

Since that time I’ve seen numerous shortages with various lifespans and degrees.  The Chinese ‘cartel’ of Ascorbic Acid (aka Vitamin C) manufacturers appear to create a shortage every 3-5 years, moving prices from $3/kg to over $20/kg in one case.  That’s fun on the way up, and can be very dangerous on the way back down to $3.  The phrase ‘don’t try and catch a falling knife’ is in play on shortages such as these.  It took weeks (months?) for the price to rise 6-fold, and literally one week for the price to drop a similar amount.  Multiplying the dollar amount times 20,000 kgs per container – a lot of money can be made or lost.  I know of one company that actually made over $100,000 on each of two containers (as the price rose), and having not followed the age old principal of ‘take your first loss, it’s the best loss’ held on too long the final container and literally gave back all the profit made on the first two.  A loss of $200,000+ on one container!  It’s only money, right?


Other shortages have included products like Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK);this product used as a cleaning solvent in high end electronics became very short after the horrible aftermath of the Japanese Tsunami several years ago. An MEK plant in Japan (designed specifically to service the high tech industry in Japan) was knocked out and the likes of Sony, Sharp, etc… were forced to buy MEK on the open global spot market.  That shortage lasted about 3-4 weeks.

Purified IsoPhthalic Acid:

Fast forward to just a few weeks ago when the major USA manufacturer of Purified IsoPhthalic Acid (PIA) announced o/a March 1 that their plant would be out of commission until mid-late April at the earliest. Common sense thinking would assume this shortage would last several weeks.   ‘Back in the day’ we would be chomping at the bit, salivating over the import opportunities that could come from Taiwan, Korea, etc… for PIA.  Reality is that this ‘shortage’ literally lasted 2-3 days for the spot market to be open and shut.  Emails flew around the world, international text messaging ramped up, and new communication Apps like ‘WhatsApp’ allowed instantaneous communication from mobile device to mobile device transcending former barriers such as time zones.  Users of PIA placed orders in 2-3 days to cover the next 6-8 weeks of shipments (including one container I know of that was air freighted from Korea!), and the ‘shortage’ was over.

As anyone who participates in these shortages knows, it can be alot of ‘fun’, and very rewarding to assist company’s & customers who need to find product to keep their plants up and running. Those same people will recognize the many sleepless nights of owning product at well over market prices, and the fear of selling in a market that is ‘the falling knife’.

Technology continues to change and evolve our industry.  It’s exciting; fast and furious,  and creates the need for the occasional ‘all-nighter’.  And until the next ‘shortage’, its back to the daily grind…chemical distribution the old fashioned way.  Bags, drums, pallets and truckloads at a time.

Share your ‘shortage’ stories!

How do Chemical Buyer’s Buy? Will it ever really change? 24

I am not old enough to have experienced the ‘two martini lunch’ technique of ‘doing business’, nor am I young enough to fully grasp the trends on ‘how buyers will buy’ 10-15 years from now.  However, I do know that the chemical industry has actually regressed in the past 15 years with respect to our use of technology in the conduct of day to day business and transactions.

How are Buyer’s buying differently than in the past, and where could it lead in the future?

Last December, I visited a very progressive chemical marketing/sales company on the East Coast. I was impressed with the sheer volume of computer monitors and the atmosphere of a Wall Street trading floor. The founder graciously took me through their offices and explained how their website gets approximately 1,200 hits/day and 40 solid inquiries for their products.  They literally are ‘fielding calls’ and reacting all day long.  I am not ashamed to admit I was slightly envious, but I have to think this is a unique situation.

I look at my company’s website and while a little outdated in appearance, we provide solid information to customers/suppliers (and apparently headhunters as well) and try to offer a little personality with our company newsletters.  We get nowhere near 1,200 hits/day and are realistically lucky to get 5 solid inquiries per week, if that.

I consider us to be fairly progressive on the technology side; our CRM and ERP systems are reaching the tipping point with our entire staff learning the value of a central repository of information and how profit and value can be generated.   But I constantly wonder; “what are we missing, what is a better way?”


When I entered the chemical industry in 1988, only about 30% of companies had fax machines.  We literally had to ask contacts, ‘do you have a fax machine?’.  I contrast this to just this morning when a customer notified me of a purchase order via Facebook message.  Truth!   Back then, salesmen made phone calls and the occasional visit, and customers hopefully called back with purchase orders that were written into notebooks and somehow transcribed into systems that processed the orders and paperwork.

An excellent article written in 2001 by Rajat Agrawal discussed opportunities for chemical companies and specifically customer-related opportunities and supplier opportunities as well utilizing e-commerce.  Based on my recollection, his vision at that time was spot on.  Suppliers on a mass scale would literally link into customers using EDI or an extranet to monitor inventory, and share real time information.  Smaller companies who could not afford such luxury were doomed!  Buyers could use e-commerce for cost containment.  Employees were leaving brick and mortar chemical companies to work for any entity that contained “dot com” in the title.  The labor market to hire recent college graduates was completely turned upside down by the dot-coms as these kids all wanted minimum 6 figures to start as a junior salesperson.

The Dot Com’s and Exchanges…

At the millenium, there were in fact three dozen or so chemical exchanges that were destined to cause the end of the traditional model of chemical selling.  They are ALL now gone… Powerful names like ChemConnect, e-Chemical, and Elemica were going to change the world, and here we are today… still on the phone (and with more – much more! email) making offers and still working for orders.

Perhaps these exchanges came too early, and this model will return again.  I am aware of several new chemical exchanges that are trying to resurrect this model today, but are buyers ready for this yet?  Will the chemical industry change it’s ways? Does it need to?  What value does the exchange provide other than sharing of someone’s inventory and electronically react to a buyer’s eBay style wishes? And how much is that worth to a buyer/seller?

The two martini lunch days are certainly over, and the 5 hour golf rounds are getting fewer and farther between (maybe people just don’t like playing with me and I haven’t caught on yet). Email is getting more ferocious to manage, and business moves at the speed of smartphones… but has anything essentially changed?  Are buyers buying any differently than 20-30 years ago, and more importantly will these habits change in the near future?

Personally, I don’t believe the chemical industry can be served by an Amazon.Com type model.  There are just too many ‘special requirements’ in this business.  Perhaps I am wrong, and I’d welcome any conversation about buying/selling habits.  Thanks for reading.

Blogging the Chemical Industry! 16

I am going to bring something new to the Chemical Industry. I seek to share wisdom with other executives, leaders, managers, buyers, sellers, traders…

Why?  Because I believe we are on the verge of major changes in the industry itself, the markets for products in the industry, and that the next five years promise to see more change than the last 25. My promise is that I will be open and honest, and hope to share information with those of you who are open to learning and sharing and seek new ways to work through the chaos lies ahead.

I believe that those who are wedded to old school thinking and ways of doing business will literally get left behind. More…